About Us

Saint Ambrose Episcopal Church is a worshiping community in southeast Raleigh committed to living the gospel of Jesus Christ in the world


Our worship is meaningful and special because our volunteers and participants make it what it is. Christians believe human beings exist to worship God, giving God praises.

View our Worship Times


The Vestry is group of members seeking to discern, with the Rector, what God is calling the church to do and have oversight of that work. Vestry members serve 3 year terms.


Pastoral Ministries

Pastoral Ministries are of prayer, care, support, presence, and love. We pray that we use the gifts God has bestowed on each of us, guided by the Holy Spirit and, that those to whom we minister see the Christ in us and we in them.

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Saint Ambrose has been blessed with very talented musicians, who offer their gifts to the glory of God weekly.  We have professional and semi-professional musicians in our midst. 

Meet Our Musicians

Clergy & Staff

Meet Reverend Robert Jemonde Taylor Rector or discover our job opportunities.

Meet our team


Since colonial times, African-Americans have affiliated in various capacities with the Episcopal Church. Saint Ambrose was established during the post-Civil War era.

Learn our history


Saint Ambrose Episcopal Church welcomes YOU! Whether you are a lifelong episcopalian, new to church, a seeker, doubter believer from another tradition, WELCOME!


Learn more about our services

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have additional questions about our church you will find them here!


View our FAQs

How we’re different:

Saint Ambrose worships in the Episcopal tradition with an emphasis on African American and African culture, evidenced by Ethiopian Orthodox icons as Stations of the Cross, icons of African American Episcopal saints, needlepoint kneelers of African and African American Episcopal saints, Episcopal service music based on African American Spirituals, and a Jazz Mass.


Ready to discover your new church home in the Triangle?

Saint Ambrose Episcopal Church is a welcoming community that gives worship to God, receives wisdom from God, and works alongside God to move the city of Raleigh.